MYOB Acumatica 2023.1 (formerly MYOB Advanced) is the next major upgrade that adds a wide range of new features across the entire system.

We encourage you to view the full release notes below for detailed information on the new features and enhancements available in this release.

MYOB Acumatica Top New Features

OtherKey New Features

For a full details of new features and enhancements please view the full release notes here.

  • Predefined Import Scenarios for Importing Template Items and Matrix Items
  • Import of Refunds for Partially Shipped Orders from Shopify
  • Mapping of Shopify Locations to MYOB Acumatica Warehouses
  • New Feature for B2B Scenarios
  • Support of BigCommerce Metafields in Order Import
  • Improvements to Payment Method Mapping Settings
  • Address Settings for Duplicate Validation
  • Delegation and Reassignment of Approvals
  • Enhancements to CRM Tasks
  • Ability to Extend a Business Account as a Customer During Sales Order Creation
  • Predefined Email Notifications
  • Opportunity Metrics
  • Selection of Related Entities in Emails, Activities, Tasks, and Events
  • Performance Improvements
  • AR Aging by Project Reports
  • Changes in Copying Default Subaccounts for GL Transactions
  • Generation of Batches on the Prepare Payments Form
  • Generation of Financial Periods on Company Activation
  • GL Consolidation by Company
  • Migrated AR and AP Documents with Unreleased Retainage
  • Renamed Document Types in AP and AR
  • Synchronisation of Fixed Asset Periods with GL Periods
  • Tax Bills with Direct-Entry Taxes and Taxable Lines
  • Microsoft Teams Integration
  • Ability to Disable Automatic Calculation of Taxes in Sales Orders and Invoices
  • Improvements in Blanket Purchase Orders
  • Improvements in Templates for Matrix Items
  • Negative Quantity in Orders Whose Type Has Active Receipt and Issue Operations
  • Predefined User Roles
  • Sales Orders Based on the Mixed Order Automation Behaviour
  • Support of Multiple Totes for a Pick List
  • Deallocation of Unused Materials for Production Orders
  • Enhanced Review of MRP History
  • New Workflow Support on the Production Order Maintenance and Production Order Details Forms
  • Side Panel Support for Specific Forms
  • Archiving Old Documents
  • Platform: Deprecation of Automation Steps
  • Resetting Access Rights for Roles
  • Viewing the User Inactivity Timeout from the UI
  • Improvements in Tracking Project-Specific Inventory
  • Improved Lien Waiver Functionality
  • Migration Mode for Pro Forma Invoices
  • Mobile App Enhancements
  • Enhanced Joint Payment Functionality
  • New Productivity Report for Progress Worksheets
  • Improved Design for Project and Construction Reports and Inquiries
  • Deletion of Snapshots and Tenants in Batches
  • Enhancements to Business Events Triggered by Action
  • New Subscriber for Business Events
  • Improvements to the Trace Page
  • Using Past Data From Entities with Configured Business Events in Notification Templates197
  • Improved Delivery of Built-In Infotips
  • Operation with Archived Records
  • Retrieval of Values of Multilingual Fields in Available Languages
  • Specification of Values of Multilingual Fields in Particular Languages

MYOB Acumatica Payroll New Features

  • Integrating with Microsoft Azure Active Directory
    When MYOB originally introduced Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration in version 2022.1.3, there were issues that prevented it from working with MYOB Acumatica Payroll. MYOB have now fixed those issues, so you can integrate MYOB Acumatica Payroll with Azure AD worry free. This lets you provide single sign-on (SSO) and manage users and access in one place.
  • Viewing and changing an employee’s profile
    For companies using Acumatica Employee Onboarding, you can now view which employee profile was used to onboard an employee. On the Employee Onboarding Detail screen (MPATGI01), check the new Employee Profile ID and Employee Profile Description columns.
  • Reassigning approval for Employee Self Service leave requests
    If you’ve been incorrectly assigned as the approver for a leave request submitted through Employee Self Service, you can now assign someone else to approve or reject the request.
  • Cancelling Employee Self Service leave requests
    In MYOBAcumaticaEmployee Self Service, you can now cancel leave requests instead of deleting them, making it easier to keep track of employees’ leave. Previously, when a leave request was deleted, there was no record of the request in MYOB Acumatica, which could cause confusion. Now, when a leave request is cancelled, MYOB Acumatica changes the request’s status to Cancelled.
  • Side panels on the employee onboarding detail screen for easier editing
    You can now view and edit the Pay Details and Employees screens from the Employee Onboarding Detail screen (MPATGI01) by using the new side panels. The side panels let you do everything that you would normally do in those screens, without having to open a new web browser tab. To open the side panels, click either the Pay Details or Employees icon.
  • Better pay run error messages
    It’s now easier to figure out what’s causing pay run errors on the Manage PaysPay Run Details and Employee’s Current Pay screens. Error messages now shows the employee, pay item or entitlement that are causing the issue.