MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 is the next major release that adds a wide range of new features across the entire MYOB Advanced system. This page provides an overview of new features in this major release including release notes and the latest MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 and 2020.6 release videos produced by MYOB.

Release Notes

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Release Notes
MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Release Notes

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Overview

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Construction

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 CRM

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Finance

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Manufacturing

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Distribution

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Platform

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Project Management

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 User Interface

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Mobile Development

MYOB Advanced 2021.1.1 Workflow Changes

Missed the MYOB Advanced 2021 Preview Virtual Event?

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Overview

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Construction

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Customer Management, Project Management, Time and Expenses

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Field Service Management

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Finance

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Mobile App

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Order Management

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Platform

MYOB Advanced 2020.6 Workflow Engine