Business management software for NFPs

Stretch your dollars, not your people

Not-for-Profits need all the help they can get – not just in the form of donations but in the tools they use to manage everyday operations and keep things moving.

That’s where MYOB Acumatica (formerly MYOB Advanced) comes in. Our full-service business management software is designed for charities and not-for-profits, with tools for everything from payroll management to donor tracking to budgeting and reporting.

For not-for-profit organisations still using disconnected software system or outdated processes, it can be a major efficiency driver, helping you save time on back-office functions and maximise funding for your cause.

Streamlined Workflows

With all your operations in one place, it’s easy to connect the dots across your organisation. Automate manual tasks, cut unnecessary steps and speed up unwieldy workflows for a smoother, faster-moving NFP.

Financial Clarity

Get access to all your financial data through an accurate, real-time system. This gives you clarity around your financial situation day-to-day and makes it easier to meet compliance requirements, create budgets and prepare for audits.

Remote Access

A cloud platform, MYOB Acumatica offers full access to all data, dashboards and tools – no matter where you are. This means your people can update records while they’re out and about, check client details in real-time and work remotely whenever they need to. In a fast moving world, it’s a game changer.

Donor Management

Advanced bring all your donor and donation info together, making it easy to track and manage. The ability to flag donors who have stopped donations, identify major donors who need extra attention and track income over time can make all the difference to your donor relationships – and the level of donations coming in.

Cheaper, Simpler Technology

While a full business management system can seem complicated, the technology is simpler to manage. Because MYOB Acumatica is cloud-based, you don’t need on-premise servers. You may also find that using a single, unified system for all your operational needs is cheaper and more effective than using a raft of disconnected systems.

Real-time Data

In NFPs, as in commercial businesses, it all comes down to the latest numbers. With an integrated system, up-to-date organisational data is accessible 24/7 so it’s far easier to make day-to-day decisions and set long-term goals.

Software designed with NFPs in mind

While the problems faced by many NFPs are complex, the solution doesn’t have to be. MYOB Acumatica offers tools to help you manage the full spectrum of operational tasks across your organisation – from payroll to donor management to financial reporting and compliance. With all these tools under one cloud-based digital roof, you can transform operations and free up time and money.

  • Government approved
  • One source of the truth
  • Convenient monthly pricing plans
  • No hardware to maintain
  • Grows with your business
  • Work anywhere, anytime

Key Features

  • Multi-entity financial management and consolidated reporting
  • Increased visibility and control of project/ program process and costs, grants and acquittals
  • Customisable reporting to provide acquittal and management reporting
  • Sophisticated approval, audit and security features
  • Requisitions and purchase orders with approvals included on mobile device
  • Expense claim management
  • Asset management
  • BI and Excel reporting with native integration
  • Fully integrated Payroll
  • Integrated CRM and marketing
  • API and flexible integration options

Some of our Not-for-Profit clients

I haven’t spoken to anyone that MYOB Acumatica wouldn’t work for, purely because of the scalability of it. You can grow as big as you want and there’s no handbrake forcing you to change systems again.

 Nathan Vickery, Director – Vickery Holdings

A Connected Business with MYOB Acumatica

One unified, end-to-end ERP solution

  • Simplify financial management with industry leading multi-entity workflows​
  • Unify business systems and data with a cloud ERP that integrates systems so you have a single source of truth and single system to manage​
  • Anytime, anywhere access with cloud ERP​
  • Enterprise grade security and data backup​
  • Reduce costs and complexity of IT management with SaaS solution​
  • Industry leading API technology to simplify connecting to 3rd party solutions and add-on​

Watch our free demo to see some of the features and capabilities within the powerful MYOB Acumatica platform

Flexible financial reporting with MYOB Acumatica + Velixo Reporting

Easily connect Excel to your MYOB Acumatica data

Velixo Reporting is an Excel-based reporting tool integrated with MYOB Acumatica. Velixo Reports compliments your MYOB Acumatica program by eliminating tedious and time-consuming reporting methods, allowing you to build financial and project reports in Excel with live data in less than 5 minutes.

Connect using your MYOB Acumatica login credentials and start building Excel spreadsheets that instantly include MYOB Acumatica data. Velixo Reports adds a new toolbar to Excel and more than 60 functions specially designed to work with General Ledger, Project Data and Generic Inquiries.

As the premier solution for reporting with MYOB Acumatica, Velixo provides a tight integration and leverages the unique capabilities of your MYOB Acumatica Cloud ERP with features such as Smart Drilldown, Smart Refresh, Writeback, Consolidations and Advanced Security.