The replenishment screen has been written to include demand from additional sources and calculate the requirements based on alternate suppliers, alternate calculations and warehouse structures. In addition, it allows you to create the Purchase Order’s for all suppliers in one run. This should result in reducing time spent on procurement and reducing stock holding.

Key Features
- Can calculate the stock requirements for different types of stock using different calculations. These calculation methods can be assigned to each item as required.
- Alternate suppliers can be configured for different warehouse locations. Instead of having just the one supplier for each item, each location can have a local supplier of that item instead.
- Demand for jobs can be included by using the quotes in Job costing. The demand for jobs can then be purchased directly for the job or for the main warehouse location.
- Locations can be linked together to form a DC and satellite warehouse structure, thereby the requirements for several locations can be grouped together and purchased for the DC location.
- The calculation of incoming and committed stock has been extended to the warehouse transfers module so that stock in transit can also be included in the calculations.
- Extra fields have been added to allow lead times to be configured against stock items rather than suppliers.
- The horizon date can optionally be set when running the calculation, so you can choose if you want to look at requirements up to 1 month or 3 months etc. into the future.
- You can modify the supplier to be used for the order after the requirements have been calculated.
- You can choose to select individual or all lines to generate the Purchase Order’s, which can also be filtered by location, product group etc.
- You can optionally generate Purchase Order’s or Purchase Order quotes.
- You can optionally enter stock demand figures for use in the calculations rather than relying on history.
- Stock demand history used isn’t just sales of product, it has been extended to include demand generated from works orders and job costing transactions that aren’t invoiced.
Watch an overview of Momentum Stock Replenishment for MYOB Exo: