Protect your business data with cloud ERP software

Data security is becoming a common concern in today’s society and for very good reason. More and more businesses are being exposed to all kinds of scams, data breaches and hacking occurrences then ever before. Combatting such data disasters is challenging, but it is possible. It all begins with implementing a secure and comprehensive cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution.

A cloud ERP solution is a complete business management solution run in the cloud. Cloud ERP software ensures end-to-end cloud data security, from authentication to data entry, from transmitting the data to protecting it in the database. Cloud ERP data centres are hosted and maintained by the best-of-the-best, in world class hosting environments whose sole purpose is to ensure your data is easily accessible, fast and secure. These data centres back-up and store your data in multiple places to make sure nothing gets lost.

For example, cloud ERP solutions are hosted on secure platforms, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), which automatically encrypt the data that enters their global networks. They also give customers the tools to set up the processes and controls needed to comply with industry regulations.

Cloud-based ERP systems offer more sophisticated protection by including built-in security measures that reduce the responsibility load of the IT department. Cloud-based solutions are also designed to identify and immediately address security threats using tried-and-true methods, such as constant monitoring, frequent testing, and automatic, regular backups.

If vulnerabilities and weaknesses do occur, the ERP vendor is responsible for finding and fixing them. For the vendor, failing to protect a businesses’ data results in huge monetary payouts, significant reputational damage, or both. So it’s in the vendors’ best interest to ensure that their users’ data is safe and protected.

Not only does cloud ERP software have strong data security benefits, but the solution also has many other security benefits such as:

  • Lower costs – with cloud ERP software, the cost of managing security is much lower because the cloud provider handles security responsibilities. The cloud providers will have systems in place for detecting and addressing security threats so that any potential threats are immediately handled according to predefined procedures. This frees up your IT teams responsibilities so instead, they can focus on improving business operating efficiency and solving real business challenges with technical solutions.
  • Automatic software upgrades – cloud ERP solutions are run on a Software as a Service (SaaS) model which is a subscription-based model. This means automatic upgrades are included in the cloud subscription costs, so you don’t have to worry about constantly updating your software, ensuring up-to-date functionality and addressing any cloud ERP security concerns. Unlike on-premise solutions where any delays in upgrades can leave your ERP vulnerable to security breaches.

Maintaining on-premise ERP hardware and software, managing upgrades, and researching and battling the latest viruses and malware concerns requires more time and money than most businesses can provide, particularly because these things rest squarely on the shoulders of already overextended IT teams. Unless you have a dedicated team of IT experts protecting your system, cloud software is most likely the more secure option. With a sophisticated cloud ERP solution, businesses can rest easy knowing their information is in a one source of the truth, up-to-date system, in the best hands and is well protected.

Explore Momentum’s cloud ERP solutions here or contact us for a free no-obligation chat.