Unlocking your business’ full potential with better reporting

The key to success as a business lies in your data.

In today’s fast moving business environment, poor data and reporting is a serious barrier to success. Many businesses are hindered by siloed systems an spreadsheets which don’t provide real-time data to effectively report business performance and enable critical fact-based decisions.

Business-critical data becomes fragmented throughout an organisation due to data being stored across a number of computer systems, databases and worksheets. When data is spread between multiple systems and locations, reporting becomes time-consuming and often tedious. Data is rarely 100% accurate and/or is out of date. Additionally, data formatting, duplicated data and accessibility are some more issues many businesses face when trying to obtain real-time, accurate data for reporting.

Businesses with inaccurate data, don’t have the visibility required to compete in today’s market. With a lack of visibility staff can:

  • Miss reporting deadlines
  • Spend more and more time coming through worksheets and less time actually doing the work
  • Get micro-managed due to a lack of insight into performance
  • Struggle making sense of reports

If you’re business is spending all your time gathering data, then it may be time to make a change. Crucially, company data should provide you and your teams with the tools to report on any aspect of your business, helping you:

  • make informed decisions more quickly
  • save time and money, by eliminating errors and time-consuming processes
  • operate more smartly
  • improve performance and results

In order to unlock your business’ full potential with better reporting you need streamlined reports that gather data and translate it into actionable information. Cloud ERP Software automates your data and provides you with a single source of truth. Connecting your data across your organisation allows for real-time, flexible and visible reporting.

Automation also removes a huge burden on an administrative team because they no longer have to manually collate data. Making the shift to cloud ERP software means moving away from disconnected system and connecting your entire business.

Cloud ERP software also provides dashboards which are a fantastic tool to report your organisations progress towards goals or simply reporting performance. Making dashboards visible throughout the business ensures the entire organisation as visibility into a near real-time view of business performance.

To prosper and unlock your business’ full potential you need a solution which provides management access to the right data when and wherever they need it. Overall visibility across your organisation is key to increasing collaboration, saving time and boosting efficiency. Gain greater insights into your organisation and accelerate decision making with cloud ERP software which provides the real-time data and information to translate numbers into effective strategies and increase efficiency across your business.

Learn more about our different cloud ERP software solutions available here or get in touch with us for more information.