Why ERP health checks shouldn’t be neglected

For many businesses using ERP software, a periodic ‘health check’ is something we know we need but often put off, for an array of reasons. Maybe we’re too busy, don’t wish to spend the money to make improvements or we simply just sweep it under the rug for another time.

Think of your ERP system as your personal car. You service your car periodically to ensure its operating efficiency and doesn’t cause issues down the line. The same goes for your ERP system. An ERP health check is a checkup or service. Performing a checkup is not only important to address any outstanding issues but also an opportunity to find potential areas of improvement to make your ERP and business more efficient in the future.

An ERP health check with Momentum is also a great opportunity to review how your ERP solution can align to the strategic direction of your business.

  • What ROI has a business’s existing ERP system delivered?
  • How effective are the business’s current business processes?
  • As the business grows, what are its future ERP requirements?

When thinking about what is involved using your ERP, it is truly a complex system that includes software, data, people and processes, all working together to manage your business. Over time, as your business evolves and business needs change, some of these areas may no longer be optimal. Health checks can also help identify any potential issues with your system or processes before they become substantial costly issues in the future. 

An ERP health check or strategic review is an essential step to ensure you are getting the very most out of your investment. Continuing to improve the use of your system is critical to stay competitive and value is gained via improved ERP utilization in many ways. Possible areas of improvement for ERP utilization are:

  • More advanced user training and/or training for newer employees
  • Reporting and dashboard enhancements
  • User security, audit trail, restriction of data
  • Implementing unused features and/or modules
  • Workflow automation, scheduled tasks or reports, notifications
  • Customisation / integration
  • Use of add-ons & more

It is important to realise that ERP improvements don’t stop in the implementation phase as evident in the graph below. There are many ways to improve your ERP system to maximise your return on investment. Refinements and future projects should always be considered to ensure your business is getting the most out of your system.

ERP software is constantly evolving, and new features and improvements are continuously being added in every upgrade. Completing a health check can help identify new features your business may not be aware off to improve processes. In many cases, upgrades also provide significant improvements to features that you are already using. Adopting new features can often help to reduce time, effort and resources spent on daily repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more meaningful work. Therefore, simplifying business processes and bringing greater connectivity across your business.

A strategic review of your system can also help identify third-party apps that may help boost the capability of your existing ERP software. Whilst ERP software has hundreds of fabulous features within their integrated suites, it would be impossible to cater for the thousands of diverse business processes that evolve with each unique business. From barcode scanning solutions to debtor management software, integrated add-ons can help you simplify, improve or better understand different parts of your business. 

ERP health checks or strategic reviews should not be neglected. Health checks provide actionable insights to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your system. Solution reviews are a great opportunity to identify gaps between the needs of your business and what the ERP system offers, which can be critical to improving efficiency and growth within your business.

Due for a health check or strategic review? Contact Momentum today to schedule a convenient time for your business!