3 steps to choosing the right ERP software system


Has your business outgrown its software? Maybe you need an ERP software system – specially made for bigger businesses. 

As an MYOB Accredited Partner we meet many clients in exactly this situation. To assist in making the process easier, here are a few tips worth reviewing. It will make the decision easier with an implementation outcome exactly in line with your requirements.


1. Current likes, future needs and the wants

Defining your current likes is critical. They may be straightforward but outlining them gives great insight into the core business requirements.

Examples of this might be reports that are often used and provide insight into the business drivers, the way in which users interact with data and areas of flexibility required in your industry.

Regarding future needs, focus the evaluation on core requirements that must be met. These factors will drive the first phase of an implementation and provide you with a clear roadmap of where you intend on getting to in the short term of an ERP implementation.

The wants are always tricky but critical – these should be high level goals of the business and what is required of the ERP solution to assist in reaching them. Use these wants as a way to uncover the functionality required for the shortlisted ERP solutions your business is evaluating.


2. Research the options

There are many solutions in the marketplace, but trusting the information can be the trickiest part – there are a few sources we recommend you go to first.

Trusted relationships you have with other businesses using ERP solutions is the best place to begin. They will give you a frank and honest evaluation of the solution and importantly the implementation partner who took them on the journey to business improvement.

There are a number of websites that provide an evaluation of the ERP solutions. These are good when you want a nuts-and-bolts comparison of the ERP solutions available. Be mindful of the detail and highlight the areas you need more information on.

Case studies are also a great source of knowledge. These are completed by current clients about their requirements and outline their experience in implementing. Ask if you can contact some case study providers directly to ask more questions.


3. Experience it in real life

A live demonstration is a great way to get a feeling for the solution. You don’t know what you don’t know, so being able to ‘have a go’ can inform the questions you ask and help trigger those you haven’t yet realised.

The implementation partner should provide a working demonstration. Be smart about this part and investigate the functional areas you might want configured so you can feel how it would work in action. Remember, you don’t need to use all of the features demonstrated, just those you require.


For more information about our bigger business solutions, see MYOB Advanced and MYOB EXO,

Or Contact Us to organise a demonstration. 


Source: MYOB