6 signs it’s time to upgrade your construction software

When is the right time for construction companies to invest in dedicated construction management software? 

It is common when starting out, that a business is run via a host of standalone applications (inventory control, Microsoft Excel, payroll, purchasing for example) which do not talk to each other. This can result in duplicate or triplicate data entry, multiple spreadsheets, human error and more. As the business becomes larger, busier, and more complex, separate systems do not support growth are inefficient and make it impossible to get real-time analytics of projects.

Consequently, your business becomes disconnected, project management becomes a constant challenge and employees and clients become dissatisfied. Lack of integration begins to hold your construction company back from its potential.  

Here are six sure signs it is time for your construction business to invest in a cloud platform.  

  • Do you often catch problems too late? 

Project management and planning is a critical part of staying on time and budget. Effective management software allows construction companies to effectively plan and react to problems. Without the real-time visibility provided by a cloud platform, there is a substantial risk of catching problems too late. Consequently, problems will continue to multiply creating time consuming and expensive issues that could have been avoided.  

  • Are project estimates regularly inaccurate? 

When it comes to project estimates, if your construction company is constantly finding build costs regularly exceed your estimates, inaccurate reporting is to blame. Integrated software removes unwanted and most times expense under-estimates, by streamlining and consolidating your data in the cloud. It therefore allows you to generate accurate, timely reports at the click of the button. No need to collate and analyse information from multiple systems. Human error is removed with easier, more accurate estimating that better manages client expectations.  

  • Do on-site and office teams collaborate ineffectively? 

Effective communication and collaboration between teams specifically those that do not work in the same location day-to-day is critical. Construction companies often experience a disconnect between on-site and off-site office workers. Impracticalities of a disparate system mean employees see information at different times and in different formats. Such inconsistencies limit productivity and effect decision making. When neither group has an accurate understanding of how their work effects each other, morale is lowered. What should be a simple task of keeping all employees up to date becomes a challenge and leads to confusion, delays, and misunderstandings. MYOB Advanced Construction Edition solves these issues by keeping all business information and operations in an easily accessible and updated system in the cloud. 

  • Do employees waste time on manual data entry? 

Manual data entry can be a time consuming, costly, and frustrating process when relying on spreadsheets or a disconnected system. Your team can waste several days of the month completing manual processes, limiting time spent on value-adding projects or tasks. Without the capabilities of the cloud, manual tasks increase and paperwork multiples due to no mobile or onsite access. A cloud platform for construction limits time wasted on manual data entry, automates manual tasks and provides construction companies with the accessibility required to manage complex projects on time and on budget. 

  • Do you usually have an incomplete view of project details? 

Managing complex projects on time and on budget is key to successful construction business. Having an up-to-date, overarching view of your project details allows you to keep on track and most importantly for clients, on budget. MYOB Advanced Construction Edition allows all information to flow into the same unified system. A cloud platform simply generates the reports you need to guide project decisions, update clients quickly and keep projects on track.  

  • Do you see misunderstandings with clients or between teams? 

When using multiple systems, misunderstandings with clients or between teams is inevitable. Disconnected systems and data lags mean information is not up to date in each system. Consequently, construction teams are operating and reporting using old, incorrect, or dissimilar data. MYOB Advanced Construction Edition creates a single source of truth – the cloud platform means information is updated and instantly accessible to those who need it, anywhere, from any device.  

Thinking its time to make the move to the cloud? 

If any of these six signs are prominent in your construction business, upgrading to a cloud platform like MYOB Advanced Construction Edition is your answer. No longer be held back by a disconnected system. MYOB Advanced is designed specifically for construction companies to manage complex projects, anywhere, anytime. Get the real-time visibility you need and connect all your operations into one integrated system.   

Take your construction business to the next level and contact Momentum Software Solutions today.

Source: MYOB